“But the Son of God came to destroy these works of the devil” 1 John 3.8, Living Bible.
“..But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was chastised that we might have peace; he was lashed – and we were healed” Isaiah 53.5, Living Bible.
One of the most effective deceptions that the enemy has sold the world and even believers is that the natural and the spiritual world is exclusive of each other. Therefore, you find various beliefs ranging from the non existence of God, the earth being made of scientific form and that heaven and hell is the product of some unrealistic thinking belonging to the imagination than fact. One philosopher, Karl Marx said ‘Religion is the opium of the people’ suggesting that people drown themselves in an unrealistic belief to dull their senses of reality.
But the TRUTH is that this world was formed out of the spiritual.
“By faith – by believing God – we know that the world and the stars – in fact, all things –were made at God’s command; and that they were made from things that can be seen.” Hebrews 11.3.
Not even scientific knowledge can wish that away. There is a spiritual realm and it is the foundation of all things on earth. Heaven and earth are connected and not exclusive of each other.
Moreover, the protocol is that it is the spiritual that controls the events of our life. If you want to find the solution to any issue or resolve any challenge, seek the spiritual and specifically, God whose knowledge about the issue is all encompassing and practical. Perhaps, the over dependence on intellectual reasoning (which has it’s relevance) has dulled our spiritual senses. One of the hardest tasks of my re-adjustment was subjecting my intellect to God. Too often believers first seek to analyse and resolve their issues from the place of the natural and when they fail, they resort in anxiety to the spiritual.
But this is often too late as events that should have been addressed in it’s foundational stage has been allowed to fester, decay and decline. This experience cuts across relational, financial physical and spiritual matters. Another reason for this habit is the limitation put on the use that the Word of God offers. Too often, once a scripture has been used for a purpose, it has the multiplying effect of being limited only to that use. How many know that sickness is not just a physical thing but has it’s roots in the spiritual. That sickness cuts across all aspects life. So the Scripture in Isaiah 53.4-5 is not limited to healing ailments of a physical nature. That, it is the key to victorious living.
Every experience of ignorance, error and deception is borne out of a spiritual sickness – the lack of God’s wisdom on the matter leading to symptoms of failure, frustration, pain anxiety, fear and sometimes death.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4.6NKJV
“Wisdom is the principal thing. Therefore get wisdom and in all your getting, get understanding. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go, keep her for she is your life” Proverbs 4.7.13.NKJV
What then are the consequences of rejecting wisdom? We turn to the scriptures
“One who misses me has injured himself irreparably. Those who refuse me show that they love death” Proverbs 8.36, Living Bible.
Oh you might declare that you don’t love death but does your belief system, action and experiences all give credence to godly wisdom or does it tell otherwise? Instead of hiding behind the often overused and are a product of some form of spiritual sickness that needs healing by the Word regardless of whether the symptoms are presented in a material form (marital, physical, emotional, financial or relational)
Look again! Jesus has provided healing for us no matter the nature of. Sin is spiritual sickness and underlies most of the issues we deal with on a daily basis. But the good news is that we have been given the healing experience in Christ. In Him every aspect of life has been made whole but there are basic preconditions.
1. NEVER accept that the issues of life are one that can be resolved by natural decisions only. That is a serious error. We have an enemy that on a daily basis is prowling to engage us in warfare. Rather, the approach to take is to first recognise that God’s will for all is good health. That immediately puts you in a spiritual rest about the outcome regardless of the diagnosis. You are now in a position to fight the illness from inner strength and deal with the cause of the issue – the devil and it’s influences that may have resulted in unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits.
So, whether you resort to medical science or have built up the faith for divine healing, you come into the warfare against your body with a sense of victory and faith. This is how I have resolved my health issues and so also the experiences of others. It never fails. To do otherwise is to open you to errors and manipulations of the devil. I have lost family members this way. Don’t make man and machine your first choice. It is a faulty foundation.
2. Recognise that God’s will for ALL is GOOD AND PERFECT, THE BEST and it is found in the pages of the scriptures. Too many people are ignorant of this basic but fundamental will and because of that they open themselves to unbelief and ever questioning the goodness of God. I have been really shocked where people believe that God is doing all kinds of bad things to them for the purpose of correction. This is simply ridiculous and borne out of ignorance. Search the scriptures and know God and His nature. It is your weapon of attack when wrong information about God and your situation comes at you. I would have died if I had listened and depended solely on intellectual reasoning when I had to have a major surgery.
3. When you have known this overall will, then you are in a better position to know the specific details of that will for your life. Understand that every challenge and issues of your life needs spiritual guidance. That is a fundamental truth. Psalm 127.1-2 tells that in explicit terms. To seek to build your life without God is to have an undesirable end product no matter how appealing it may sometimes look on the outside.
4. Never doubt that you will be healed of any form of sickness. It causes the power within to leak and weaken your faith process. Be ready to receive healing because it has been made available in Christ. As strange as this may sound, there are people who by their beliefs and actions are not open to healing. It is the case of the hardness of heart that Jesus spoke of. That in itself is a form of sickness for no one that is wise will behave in that way. This is why we need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us know our intents and thoughts that are lodged in the subconscious- the deeper recesses of the mind. Jesus came to give us life and so it is wisdom to come down from the pedestal of self righteousness and be open to correction.
5. The Pharisees, Scribes, Sadducce and some of the other Jews were suffering from this spiritual sickness. Don’t have the Pharisee attitude to life. It has grave consequences. Jesus gave this advice.
“...It is the sick who need a doctor, not those in good health. My purpose is to invite sinners to turn from their sins, not to spend my time with those who think themselves already good enough” Luke 5.31-32, Living Bible.
6. Sin is missing the mark of God’s standard (none of us is yet perfect in meeting that standard); showing a lack of wisdom; manifesting a form of spiritual sickness. It is good counsel to be humble enough to step up to receive healing in any area of your life.
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