Friday, 9 September 2011


“ For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable ( He never withdraws them when once they are given and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or whom He sends His call ) Romans 11.29 Amplified.

The knowledge of our calling and walking in it is one of the misunderstood aspects of life for all people and Christians are not immune. Webster’s Dictionary of English defined calling as ‘a spiritual summons’. God has called each person to a specific and definite assignment on earth and through which the world will be impacted. Christians have both a spiritual call:

“You are the light of the world.... Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” Mathew 5.14, 16 NKJV

And a secular call that is a profession or occupation:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1.5 NKJV

Therefore from the scriptures, it is clear that we were born with a divine specific task to accomplish as our primary role which works together with the spiritual. It cannot be changed neither amended to suit one’s desires. So the first step in life’s journey is to identify or discover your ‘identity’ as Jeremiah had to. The next step is to begin your walk in that calling in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Only with this twofold experience will you experience a joyful living. Jesus’ life exemplified this.

Your calling is not synonymous with your desires for you can have an incorrect desire for your life. Neither is monetary success a sole indicator of being in the right place. But what is clear is that who God calls, He has already given every provision and these include innate passion or unbridled zeal, grace, relationships, skill, wisdom, boldness, strength, health, resources.

 When you are in the place of purpose, there is a deep sense of satisfaction, peace and joy that cannot come from external factors. Though each call comes with its unique challenges but being in the right place helps you to rise above those obstacles and limitations with the right attitude. You know that this is what you were born to achieve. It drives you daily and opens up the flow of creativity within you for the task.

It is not some idea coming out of your motives, peer pressure or societal preferences. This is you in its true form. The delight is inexplicable – a glorious experience. Words of caution as so often people tend to confuse doing a task well and working at your calling. They may seem similar but the difference starts from the inner core.

When you are struggling to perform a task or despite external success you are still unsatisfied within you. Yes you may keep a happy face but there is inner turmoil. Watch out, you may be experiencing the symptoms of being out of joint with God’s ordained plan for your life. You are not in your place of call.

Many are unhappy even though they have pushed themselves to achieve financial success and societal commendation but inwardly, they are miserable and stressed. Recently, I watched an episode of Chopped on the Food Network where one of the Chefs spoke about leaving Wall Street and the money in order to pursue his passion for cooking. As he spoke, you could sense his joy at what he is doing. It seems unimaginable in a world where a lot of people are going in the opposite direction. But when passion calls, you have to answer.

“Come now therefore and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel out of Egypt” Exodus 3.10 NKJV

Moses grew up in the courts of Pharaoh, a royal prince destined for the throne with all the trappings of wealth and yet he was out of joint until he discovered his call as the one who will lead his people out of slavery

“Now the Lord said to Abram: I will make you a great nation... and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” Genesis 12.1,3

Abraham discovered at 75years that he was called to be not just a natural father but a father of many nations. You must realise that Abraham in all of his wisdom could not by himself have seen nor comprehended the glories of his spiritual fatherhood as our father of faith. Not even in his wildest imagination would he have seen that you, I and billions of people will be speaking of his spiritual legacy today.

That is the awesome experience of walking in your destiny. It is beyond your sights and imaginations. Ask Dr Farrah, Chimamandu, Bill Gates, Oprah, myself and even YOU when you are in your calling regardless of what phase of it you are in today.

The stories of these two people are a lesson to us. Both Farrah Gray and Chimamandu Adichie typify examples of making the right decision.

Chimamandu Adichie is an internationally acclaimed Nigerian author. Acting under parental pressure, she initially went into the University of Nigeria, Nsukka to study Medicine and Pharmacy. A year and half into her studies, she realised that she was out of joint with her identity and could not continue. She dumped the course and pursued her dream of writing culminating in a master’s degree in creative writing at John Hopkins University. Today her books, the Purple Hibiscus, Half of a Yellow Sun and a collection of short stories, The Thing around Your Neck are bestsellers and literary prize winners in various categories. Chimamandu chose to follow her passion and was rewarded.

Dr Farrah Gray at 26 years is a phenomenal person with an amazing story. He is a multimillionaire business mogul, motivational speaker, bestselling author who discovered his calling to entrepreneurship at the young age of.............six years
 (Please don’t ask me what I was doing because it was way off self discovery). Raised in the impoverished South Side of Chicago, he defied the odds to become a millionaire at....................... fourteen. He began his business career at six, selling homemade body lotions and his own hand painted rocks as bookends, door to door.

An excerpt from his autobiography Reallionaire is quite revealing:

“ I was only six years old but I was already becoming the Energiser Bunny. My mind was racing with possibilities and dreams. I didn’t allow any thoughts of lack and negativity to enter into my brain” Page 11.

Dr Farrah was “...the kid who wanted desperately to know how the world worked so that he could figure out a way to make enough money to support his family” Page13

Because Dr Farrah found his passion and went after it, he is a successful and joyful person at what he does with so much enthusiasm. I heard him speak at THE PLATFORM held in Lagos, 2009 and read his book, Reallionaire and it was very helpful in redirecting my life – discovering my calling for which I am truly joyful and living with inner tranquility.

It is of concern that many are struggling both inwardly and out because they are out of joint with God’s plan for their life. It does not have to be for you can start TODAY. It is not too late. You may not have discovered yours like Farrah at six but even Abraham began at 75years, Moses was 80 years and yet they went on to accomplish their divine assignments.

Ask the Holy Spirit for help in this matter for you need clarity and discernment. But start now for if you are not living in your divine call, you merely exist. What a TRAGEDY!!!!

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