Thursday, 8 September 2011


Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry –but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. Don’t give the devil that kind of foothold in your life” Ephesians 4:26-27.The Message
Anger is an emotion that many Christians do not have the right understanding and experience and this often leads to the very opposite of what the Bible admonishes not to sin in anger. I guess the expected question is how is it possible to be angry and not sin, yet that is exactly what the Bible says is possible and expected of us and it is what this message will help you to appreciate.

The problem with people’s perception of anger is rooted in the error that every expression of anger must tend towards uncontrolled and violent behavior – therein lies the first misunderstanding that leads to others. This teaching will address anger in its variants, guide you in the right application of it and with that, you will have a clear recognition of how useful anger is in creating a change in your life, society or community.

Emotional intelligence is a subject that is relatively unknown to many people but it plays a vital role in our lives. (Life is not complex really) it is the intelligent use of the various emotions we experience. Emotions vary from, love, anger, joy, hate to jealousy but we must handle them with the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit for by themselves they are relative until your use makes them subjective towards good or sinful.

A good illustration is hate. Webster’s Dictionary gives one of its meanings as “to dislike strongly. The bible says “You who love the LORD hate evil Psalm. 97:10”. That means that hatred used intelligently is a strong dislike for sin which is necessary in order not to be deceived or lured into it. Now another meaning in the dictionary says “unkind ,mean. This same experience is stated in the Bible.

“If you find the godless world is hating you, remember it got its start hating me. If you lived on the world’s terms, the world would love you as one of its own. But since I picked you to live on God’s terms and no longer on the world’s terms, the world is going to hate you” John 15:18-19. The Message.
This was Jesus explaining to his disciplines the ill-treatment and persecution that comes with walking with God. Thus the proper use of an emotion is what is required from us rather than its abuse. The same applies to all emotions and anger.

Finis Dake in the Annotated Reference Bible states. “ The faculty to be angry is God-created and perfectly sinless in itself. The misuse of it and all other faculties is what God condemns. God Himself has been angry many times because of sin … God never dehumanizes or uncreates one in sanctification. Anger is aliowed by the gospel but not sin.” Page 211. New Testament KSV.

Several examples abound in scripture to reveal God’s anger at men’s disobedience and Jesus also displayed the same. Some illustrations of the righteous anger are
  “But God’s angry displeasure erupts as acts of human mistrust and wrongdoing and lying accumulate, as people to put a shroud over truth  “ Romans 1:18. The Message.
“God is a just judge. And God is angry with the wicked every day” Psalm. 7:11,

The Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes were a thorn in Jesus’ flesh and often their deceitful behavior was a concern to Him. In one of such incidents, they were annoyed that Jesus took compassion on a sick man to heal him on the Sabbath.
“He looked them in the eye, one after another, angry now, furious at their hardnosed  religion. He said to the man, “Hold out your hand. “He held it out it was good as new …” Mark 3:5. The Message.
This is what is expected of us in a righteous anger that produces change.

In contrast, the anger that tends towards violent behavior leading to sin is that which Cain displayed towards his brother. Feeling envious about God’s commendation of Abel regarding his sacrifice, He turned on Abel and killed him sealing his place in history as the first man to kill - what an infamous way to be remembered.
“But for Cain and his offering he had no respect or regard. So Cain was  exceedingly angry and indignant and he looked sad and depressed.
 And the Lord said to Cain, why are you angry? … Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. Gen. 4:5-9 Amplified.

Without a clear understanding of anger, there is a tendency to sin even if it does not lead to murder (which is the extreme). Cases abound in domestic violence, fights, beatings, destruction of property and in other instances envy, covetousness, malice and hatred. So uncontrolled and unrighteous anger is actually an experience that a lot of Christians have without realizing it and its effect on their lives and relationship with God.

Anger is the propelling force in organized community actions that are taken to get rid of societal ills (drugs, crimes, prostitution, human trafficking, pornography racism, slavery, apartheid) and bring about appropriate legislation. It is also used to quicken government to fulfilling its role of governance in our society. It is a combustible force that propels persons or group of people to initiate an action to change. This was what we did in my former neighborhood, Oyekan Road when we had to rid our street of a 419 business centre that caused untold hardships to us on the street. For three years we (residents association) endured with letters to the owners but they remained unmoved and even arrogant that they were well grounded in corruption with the authorities.

So with a combination of prayer and action, we got angry and went to the EFCC and working with them, the day of judgment came hard and that effectively put them out of business. Our unruly street was back to normal and peaceful. If we had stayed laidback, we would have continued with our daily suffering (suffering and smiling as Fela sang).

Anger is like a laser which when focused on a matter creates a greater impact than a mere bulb even though they both produce light. It is a tool to be used intelligently to cause change in your life. You can’t afford to be lackadaisal  about some things in your life or else you will see no change. But a righteous anger in the sprit will wage war on satan and his activities in your life.

I have been drug free for over four years even though I have experienced illness that would immediately cause others to take some form of medication. How did I achieve that – I got angry at an unending cycle of drugs for the illness that I constantly experienced. At that time, it was cough (3 mouths long), colds, fever, malaria, headaches, diarrhea etc. Now don’t run off and stop your medication just like that – it doesn’t work that way – faith is gradual. Because I was exposed to teachings and also my private study of the Word, I realized that the experience of divine healing could be mine if I can take a step with the faith I had at the time. So when diarrhea came calling, I knew the opportunity had come and I stood my ground. There was a warfare in my mind to let go and get medication I received a Word in my spirit like Esther “If I perish I perish” but victoriously and not in defeat to sickness. Daily in pain, I stood on the Word. A month later it went and since then, I have never taken any form of medication. I build my self up daily with the Word that God gave in Proverb.4:22 as my medicine, it is not in emergencies only.

 I make it a daily confession in various forms to my body so that when symptoms show up – I move to destroy it. Also I walk in the mindset of being a healthy person. I never admit to being sick not even when I experience symptoms because I know the effect of words on my life. I beat the diagnosis of arthritis four years ago with it and I have been symptoms free.
I want you to understand that we are not in peace time spiritually but at war. The devil is daily raising all kinds of attacks against us which are often subtle in their form, you can’t afford to see life as a tea party where all is well. It is only well when you are daily fighting the good fight of faith. Sit up and begin to take control of your life the right way.

Radical situations we face in this world calls for radical action. Anger used intelligently is one of the tools you require. When Jesus entered the temple and saw how the activities of some Jews were disrespectful to God and His temple - turned it into a bazaar of commercial activities rather than a place of solemnity to worship. His immediate action was
“.And cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves. And said unto them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves” Matthew 21:12-13KJV.

Let us carefully analyze the principles that Jesus used in this issue which is the way to deal with the knotty issues of our lives.

The first principle is that Jesus recognized that all was not well in the temple – He clearly knew that it was not a place of business but of prayer and fellowship with God. He didn’t just overlook it and say well what can I do but mind my own business and some how hope things change. No! He got furious with the situation. You must stop denying the experiences of your life that are not in line with the Word of God. If you feel that something is not right, don’t be slack to change or keep struggling. It is time to call a spade a spade and deal with it spiritually. Ask the Holy Spirit for help to give you more clarity. You will be amazed at what will be revealed that you were unaware of. I have been on that route several times.

Secondly, Jesus took action. Imagine the picture we are given of his casting out the people who where selling and throwing out their tables and stuff. That is not a mild drama. It is big drama. Jesus knew as always that you don’t deal with big issues calmly or else they would not quit. I guarantee that the money changers and sellers never came back after that action. In my neighborhood case, we were mild on the business café owners for three years without any effect and it even got worse until we look the bold step to go to higher authority and not even the police.
The punishment must fit the crime. Ecclesiastes 3:1 is instructive here ;
There’s an opportune time to do things …. A time to shut up and a time to speak…a time to wage war and another time to make peace.”The Message.
So you must know when to act and the right action to take to enforce change.

Thirdly, Jesus told them the real purpose of the temple as against what these Jews had turned it into. He identified the problem and the solution. He knew the truth and because of that revelation, He could enforce it with change. It means you must first know what identity you have in Christ before taking on the challenge or else the wiles of the enemy could knock you down. You must also determine what the problem and its root causes are. No use going after the devil and praying violent prayers’ when the problem is you failing to take personal responsibility for your actions. You can’t blame the devil for everything. Finally, you must know what the Word says about the issue. These are the minimum tools you need to start you on the path of change.

A good illustration of the above is someone who is experiencing symptoms of diseases / sickness. Rather than first identify that Jesus died to give them healing and good health which Word is recorded in two key scriptures
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are  healed” Isaiah 53:5. NKJV
“…. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil” 1Jn 3:8 NKJV.

With this information, you resolve firmly in your mind that sickness is a work of the devil and not of God. Also that Jesus has destroyed its effect in your body. Next is to take up this Word as your sword and make confessions of it daily to your body-speaking it out in a time of prayer. Now where does the doctor’s  report and medication play out in all this. Everyone has his faith level - don’t copy others for where you are is okay with God as a start. The doctor’s report is a knowledge of the disease. God’s Word is a knowledge of the final report of truth. You must be clear on this. Many take the doctor’s report and lay down to die with it crying and fearful. This opens them to other wrong influences. That people have died of any illness does not mean you will.

When I was experiencing unusual fever and pain in my body, several  diagnosis were given with the genuine one being arthritis. First was shock since I wasn’t even close to the age I thought people suffered from it until the doctor informed me that it was now applicable to people in their teens and above. I thanked him for his report but stated that it was not the final report for me. I was mad at satan and I wasn’t going to suffer a life of that sickness ( it is a terrible degenerative illness). I came home and immediately sat down to plan my action. I knew my identity in Christ, I brought out my weapons – healing scriptures, God’s past faithfulness in my life, experiences of those that have been healed and I set to war against satan and sickness.

 I am healed today – four years symptoms free. The magnitude of that healing was brought to my attention in a news paper that was impressed in my spirit to buy. Opening it, I saw the story of a 32year old woman who had the exact same symptoms and diagnoses as mine and had undergone seventeen operations to date. That is what God delivered me from – a life of operations and excruciating pain.

Now the toughest part of the process of healing is having to see daily that your symptoms does not  appear to be changing. But change does not start from the outward but from within. So keep your focus on your desire -  healing and don’t look away for before you realize it the change will be reflected on the outside. That is why this process is called the good fight of faith. It is a FIGHT to enforce your victory in Christ over rebellious spirits.

Out of ignorance at the implications of their words upon their circumstances, Christians choose to speak defeat than victory. They give place to fearful experiences than those of faith. I guess living in a world where bad news is news and sells, it is tough but you have to make a commitment to not accept the status quo that is contrary to the Word of God. We belong to a kingdom of light and not darkness. Take seriously the warning that God gave to us.    

“Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring (in fierce hunger), seeking someone to seize upon and devour. Withstand him, be firm in faith (against his onset – rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined)…” 1 Peter 5:8-9 Amplified

The tools of the enemy are errors, deception and ignorance. Be on the look out for them always. Like Jesus, you must cast out and overthrow all influences that are creating limitations over your life. To do this, you certainly need the help of the Holy Spirit.

 Finally, Jesus didn’t form a committee to deal with the matter nor to debate the pros and cons of the issue-He took ACTION. Too often, when we should be consulting with God who knows everything about the issue, is cost free, error free, effortless, we are moving from one friend to another seeking their input. I have found from my personal and the experiences of others that people will give you counsel depending on their level of spiritual maturity. Good if you meet the right people but terrible if you don’t.

I had a situation where God wanted me to bring someone into my house that had an accommodation problem. I wasn’t even close to the person and I had personal concerns about the issue generally. Rather than talk to God, I went on an opinion drive. It left me still confused – I got both good and terrible reviews  about the matter. Were these people right? Yes! that they were speaking from personal experiences. But does that address the issue? No! because I was subjecting a command from God to human interpretation. So three months went by until I could no longer have a peaceful prayer life because of the restlessness of disobedience.

 One morning, I had enough. I told God I was going to do His will that morning which I did. I cannot tell you enough of the joy and overwhelming blessings that came out of that step of obedience – a small yet significant help to another. For the eight months before I moved to another location and we parted ways. It was a beautiful friendship- companionship, assistance and great lessons from cooking to successful marital truth.  Lizzie was a widow and her presence in my life was God sent. I don’t know how I could have coped when I had to move. We remain friends today. I only saw from a limited view point but God had the whole picture already figured out.

The question is how do we use our anger without it leading to sin and what are the signs that show we have strayed from the right path. I have found out that sin comes when we get angry at people rather than at their misbehaviors. This is often a thin line to navigate as one is sometimes disguised as the other. Years back, I recall a horrific story in the Newsweek magazine where some people in a town killed a homosexual and strung him up on a pole. It was absolute hatred in its vile form and evil. Jesus never never told us to hate people but wrong influences. Homosexuality is a sin like drunkenness, prostitution, pornography etc but it is cruel to take the life of a person for what is a sinful act. We hate sin and not the sinner.

In any case just as Jesus set the standard with the woman caught in adultery. Let him that has no sin stand up to be counted. I certainly can not stand up and neither you. Our anger should never be directed at people but at the evil influences that rule their lives. When we understand this, it will be easier to forgive people and also pray for them to be rid of such wrong behavior. Do we get offended sometimes? Yes but there is also the valve of inner self control that must be applied so that it does not lead to sinful acts.
The Bible has a lot of scriptures dealing with unrighteous and uncontrolled anger. Such anger does not produce change but only violence in situations and towards the people involved. Daily I read scores of stories of how anger led people into fights that resulted in the death of the other person causing a new and unpleasant life experience – JAIL TIME. Others have been injured, while in some other cases, anger causes you to take actions that are self destructive. I watched a true story of a man that killed himself and wife because he was angry at her infidelity.

“Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry for anger rests in the bosom of fools.” Ecclesiastes 7:9 NKJV
“But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice….” Colossians 3:8 NKJV

This abuse of anger was exposed by Jesus. His disciples had gone to prepare for Jesus coming to a Samaritan village and they were not well received. The disciples didn’t like this and they said so to Jesus in a very strong language that could only have been fuelled by anger.
“Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them just as Elijah did?
Jesus recognized this misuse and condemned their mindset on the matter
“You do not know what manner of spirit you are of.  For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them” Luke. 9:54-56. NKJV

Simply stated, anger should not be destructive of lives. So do a check of your thoughts and action regarding anger and where you have come short of God’s standard – make amends by changing your way of thinking and action towards people. satan uses anger to create problems for people and you must be on your guard. There is a way of peace to deal with people regardless of their actions towards you.
Self control is the key to anger management and intelligent use.
“A person without self control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out” Proverb 25:28. The Message.

It opens your life to all manner of wrong influences that take their toll on you spiritually and in all other areas. If you are someone who is quick to anger – get help from God before it is too late. Unrighteous anger is an unruly horse that can throw you off without warning.

Using anger to produce the change you desire means taking personal responsibility for your action. It means doing away with the “blame game “syndrome – playing the victim. Regardless of how life deals you a card, you have to take up your bed and walk. That was Jesus’ answer to the crippled man and so is it to you. You can’t continue to be angry at life, government, parents, teachers, society etc. it is counter productive and it keeps you stagnant and unproductive which is what the devil’s game plan is is all about. The intelligent form of anger quickens you to take action regarding your circumstances. It forces you to give attention to resolving the problem other than enduring them. In the process of doing that, your spirit is more sensitive to God’s guidance and as you take the steps of obedience, light begins to come out of that dark situation.

“Anger is vital to man’s transformation. Without it he would not be capable of waging warfare against sin and satan. Pray always to use anger to accomplish the right results in the right way and to be able to control all faculties within the boundaries of God’s law.”- Finis Dake

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