Tuesday, 6 September 2011


 EXPERIENCE JESUS ONLINE is a teaching ministry that brings the message of the Kingdom in diverse forms to prod, push and comfort you to deal with the issues of practical living from sound foundational Christian principles. For if the foundation is faulty in any area, how strong can the structures on it be? We are a special people with a specific purpose “The Gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising” Isaiah 60.3 Nkjv. Thus, if we are to enlighten the world by our light, then we must ensure that all areas of our lives are shining.

It is not the various religious activities we undertake to serve God that matters in this assignment for that is the secondary aspect. The real issue is our foundations of life and purpose. God has found us wanting on a lot of issues and if we are sincere and look around us, it is clear that we are not making the kind of impact that Jesus set as a task for us – ‘To do His work and greater works’ assignment.

The reason is that there are too many faulty and misleading doctrinal issues that have formed our Christian foundations so that we do not really experience the deeper relationship with THE WORD as we should. Other reasons include denominational bias to downright deliberate spiritual deceit to mislead the children of God. Added to this is our weakened resistance to the pleasures of the world.

Our God is merciful to forgive and give us a new beginning. But we must sincerely hunger for His righteousness and He will send His Word to heal us in that area of pain and thus deliver. If we take Jesus’ counsel that He came for those who are spiritually sick to heal, not to condemn rather than to those who walk in self righteousness, we will in the most beautiful way come in to the REAL EXPERIENCE OF JESUS - THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE ALWAYS.

These messages come in the bite size forms and the full meal portions. The bite size incorporates the Nuggets of Faith (NOF), Focus on Life (FOL), Scriptures of Faith (SOF) and Errors about Faith (EAF). The full meal includes the Living Waters and the Lessons from my Backyard (The Earth Series) messages. There is a place for both in your life and for others. Facebook is one of the online platforms; others such as blog sites and website will be used to give easy accessibility to these messages

No one has the wisdom of God yet in its fullness and we will still be in the process of transformation even when Jesus comes. These messages are a part of a whole. I pray that in many ways that iron sharpeneth iron, they will sharpen you to be the double edged sword of God to deal with the issues of life and fulfil your calling while all the time being a LIGHT to others.

Some of these messages are already in the Notes and wall sections.

May your days be filled with His Awesome manifold goodness. May your foundations in every area of life be upheld or rebuilt and strengthened. AMEN

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