Thursday, 2 August 2012


There is a very interesting controversy that is going on in America now and it is the Chick-Fil-A fast food Christian principled stand that has ticked off some arrogant gay rights activists and supporters (which unfortunately includes some ignorant Christians). This is instructive for all Christians as it is the new face of what to expect now and in future regarding our faith.

Yes, even America is becoming intolerant to Christians beliefs which is heart-breaking for a nation that was founded on Christian principles and once loudly proclaimed that IN GOD WE TRUST. The lesson from what you are about to read is a wake up call that anyone can slowly slip into unbelief if you don’t daily take a bold stand for your Christian faith which happens to be the TRUTH.

I have borrowed the title of a Bob Marley song and used the Chick-Fil- A story to illustrate the challenging times we are in and how we must gear up, stand strong in the CHRIST to fight the good fight of faith if we are not to be overwhelmed by these strange ungodly doctrines that are shrouded in the garb of human rights and legal rights. I am reminded of two scriptures that speak to these times. The first is 2 Timothy 3.1-4

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves....unholy...lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.” NKJV

While in 2 Corinthians 1. 18,
“For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God” NKJV

What is this controversy? Simply, a Christian businessman, Dan Cathy, owner of the fast food, Chick – Fil- A with over 1900 franchises across America and a great place to eat as both sides have agreed is being hounded, persecuted, insulted, threatened by some politicians, gay rights groups and their supporters for his defence of Godly marriage (as between a man and woman) and financial support to anti-gay groups. It is incredible that a country that shouts about its defence of individual rights would attack ferociously a man for his personal faith and giving. But that is the NEW FACE OF AMERICA. NO LONGER A LAND OF FREEDOM BUT ONLY ANTI CHRISTIAN FREEDOM.

Let me state the following. Chick-Fil-A has never discriminated against anyone in their service to customers. Dan Cathy just like these gay groups has taken a stand on his faith - the Word of God and has chosen to put his personal resources just like these gay groups to the advancement of what he believes. So what is the controversy about? What law has he broken and why is what is good for the gays not good for Dan Cathy? The answer is the hidden agenda of gay rights activists and their supporters to FORCE EVERYONE TO ACCEPT THEIR BELIEF AND BEHAVIOUR AS RIGHT. They are angry that Christians will never do that and so they are now using every means possible to accomplish their goal.

I am glad that Billy Graham and a lot of Christians have stood up to give support to Dan Cathy and Chick-Fil-A on their stand. I am very glad that Mr Cathy issued a statement that read “guilty as charged for supporting the traditional definition of marriage”. However, I am disappointed but not surprised that many American Christian leaders are not rising up to support not just this man but what he stands for – THE DEFENSE OF OUR CHRISTIAN FAITH regardless of whether it is about marriage or not. Therein lies the tragedy of Christian behaviour. We are often too laidback, timid and fearful on what really matters and major on what is insignificant. It is Chick – Fil –a today but it may be yours tomorrow.

I know what Mr Cathy is going through because I face such trials about my faith all the time. I have seen Christians compromise to the point that they are used as a reference point for me to back down. I have been refused, rejected, insulted because I refused to quit on my faith. I HAVE NO REGRETS AND WILL NEVER HAVE ONE. I have seen God continue to triumph on my behalf and I am content with that. But it is sad when Christians shy away from taking a stand. It does not mean you should be rude, militant or annoying. No! Rather, it is simply refusing to back down on what is God’s Word in order to gain momentary pleasures of whatever kind – financial, marital or just relational.

So what is really your stand? Is it theoretical faith that does not march up with action? If you were Dan Cathy and knowing the implications of financial consequences, will you find some excuses to shift your ground or will you continue to take a stand on the TRUTH – CHRIST, THE WORD. Have you really suffered for the WORD and allowed unbelievers to see CHRIST revealed in you or are you found on any side of a controversy (sitting on the fence position)? Let this story help you question your daily belief and action to know whether it is in alignment with the WORD OF GOD or else you really are falling for strange doctrines.

It may not be financial loss but friendships, status or whatever you want to hold on to and forsake the WORD. The world is not going to get better but only people who are daily living by the Word will do. Don’t be deceived as strange doctrines are becoming more subtle and only those who walk with God through the HOLY SPIRIT will pass the test and trials of life each time.

What should you do? Recognise that each day brings its fair share of challenges to your Christian faith and so rise up daily asking God for His Grace to deal with it. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you all the time.  Take ALL ISSUES TO GOD FIRST not men. It is this SIMPLE. Nothing is complicated or complex about God. Understand that you can’t live the Christian way without the HOLY SPIRIT. Anything to the contrary is a LIE.

As Paul also took a stand when he spoke this word, I also believe it to be the TRUTH” For I am not ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, FOR IT IS THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION FOR EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES...’ Romans 1.16NKJV

I am daily encouraged by the words of Jesus to us”...In the world, you have tribulations and trials and distress and frustration but be og good cheer (take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted)! For I have overcome the world. (I have DEPRIVED IT OF POWER TO HARM YOU AND HAVE CONQUERED IT FOR YOU) John 16.33. Amplified (emphasis mine)

I make no apologies for my being a Christian or my Christian principles. While I recognise that anyone can hold any belief yet I will not be browbeaten nor hounded for my faith. Neither will I QUIT ON THE WORD OF GOD THAT I HOLD AS MY BELIEF. I fully support Chick-Fil-A and Dan Cathy on his Christian faith practices. I shall continue by the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ to rise up each day and defend my faith regardless of whatever challenges and sufferings I face. IN CHRIST I STAND! I continue to pray that those who do not yet have the TRUTH shall come to the LIGHT. That is my IRREVERSIBLE STAND!!!

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