Tuesday, 18 October 2011


“That day of the Lord will come unexpectedly like a thief in the night” 1 Thessalonians 5.2

The day of the Lord is looming. This is not a doomsday prophecy about the destruction of the world or the time of rapture when Christ is coming to take the believers home. No! This is a time (moment) of revival that is fast approaching. A spiritual experience of awesome magnitude of His Glory upon the earth to both His children and the world. It is a divine visitation that that will leave an experience such as described in the scriptures

“Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape you, beloved that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” 2 Peter3.8. Amplified Bible

Concerning this mighty work of mercy, the Holy Spirit is already speaking to those who will take time to discern this and get themselves in to a state of spiritual red alert. This revelation came to me recently during my time of fellowship and I kept it to myself to see what was going on. Then within two weeks, the confirmation came through three people. Different locations and unknown to each other. Then I realised that I must be a watchman to my brethren especially as I have a ministry to the Body of Christ and my responsibility to inform them.

This move of God will change lives in a quantum leap experience. An encounter that all our faith works will not be sufficient to give any qualification. It’s purely an ACT OF MERCY! It will also bring in an exodus of unbelievers into the kingdom. It is a deed of love and mercy upon mankind. Like an earthquake, this wave of Glory will break off the shackles that have limited His people to release them into their destinies.

As always, God will give a foreknowledge of what He will do while keeping the time and details to Himself yet just enough to get those that will believe ready in their hearts. The choice to go with His flow is ours to make. However, let us not be caught off guard like the people in Noah’s time and missed out on God’s plans and mercy.

“For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” Mathew 24.38-39.NKJV

God does not want anyone to be caught unaware of His plans. That is often the mind of men. So be prepared in the spirit to ride this awesome wave of Glory into a life changing and renewed spiritual experience. It’s an- out- of this- world type. God’s objective is both for His Church and unbelievers.

We are HIS LIGHT upon the earth and our spiritual wellbeing is of concern to Him as seen from these scriptures.
“...And the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” Isaiah 60.2-3.NKJV(emphasis mine)

And Ezekiel also spoke of this
“Therefore prophesy and say to them, “ Thus says the Lord GOD, “ Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves and bring you into the land of Israel” 37.12. NKJV (emphasis mine)

The Church is not exactly reflecting HIS LIGHT as we should and because of this, darkness is making inroads in very subtle ways into our lives compounding the matter. We need help desperately and God is coming to make some huge changes. He will break us out of those grave experiences that have left us with a dry bones effect. Look around the world, the practice of Christianity is getting confusing in doctrine for a believer and more complex for an unbeliever.

 It is laughable if not that it is a serious issue to see us bicker over denominational differences all the time. Or whose Pastor, Bishop or spiritual authority is better and yet we leave our flanks open to the devil. This adversary that God warned us to be sober and vigilant to his deceptive ways.

In addition to these, some Christians are bent on accommodating terrible, sinful and worldly acts as Christian doctrines. How can a Church that claims it serves Christ allow its leader to accept homosexuality as a doctrine and acceptable lifestyle and then go ahead to ordain one in the highest office? No! These kinds of abomination will not continue in our midst. I am glad the Nigerian affiliate broke away. We must not allow spiritual slavery for it will destroy souls.

Ponder on this truth. The Holy Spirit speaks in unity with the Godhead yet  God’s people speak with a cacophony of voices.  Discordant tunes with each man beating and dancing to his own beats oblivious to the fact that the Glory of God has departed. It seems to me a lot of us are not hearing God but strange voices. For our God is not an author of confusion and God forbid that anyone will give that impression and succeed (1Corinthians 14.33).

God is coming to break these strongholds in each person (Yes! all of us and no exceptions) to give us a much needed PUSH into the true experience of Jesus. We all need a leg up even at whatever level we are presently. It is the wonderful experience the lame man from birth had when he received a miracle. He went from being incapable, vulnerable, dependent to” walking, leaping and praising God” Acts 3.8NKJV

But there are two conditions and that is the state of your heart and belief. Your heart must yearn for His righteousness daily in all things and continually walk with God to grow in His righteousness because He makes that demand of us in all things each day. A little change here and there, a correction and instruction even in some cases some firm discipline. They are all the ways of God. Don’t run away from either or pick some. It is one package. God is not mocked! He is coming for the prepared not the unprepared. The meek and humble not the hardened and arrogant. Oh! You say I am ready. Ok, what is your obedience level in small and inconvenient things not the big and comfortable?

We must receive mercy in order to be on the alert. Also we must believe His word for it comes from the most unusual people. I know they are Christians whose belief comes only from the words of their Pastors and General Overseers. Beware, you may just be left behind (But I pray you repent of that idolatry) Remember, God spoke through an ass to hardened Balaam, His prophet when he refused to heed His warnings to him directly( 2 Peter 2.15-16). Don’t put God in the limitations of your mind. All He says to us is to test the spirit behind all things to see which is of God or not.

“If you believe, all things are possible to him who believes” Mark 9.23NKJV

Noah is an example to us on how to act.

“Noah was another who trusted God. When he heard God’s warning about the future, Noah believed him even though there was then no sign of a flood and wasting no time he built the ark and saved his family. Noah’s belief in God was in direct contrast to the sin and disbelief of the rest of the world- which refused to obey and because of his faith he became one of those whom God accepted” Hebrews 11.7. Living Bible

God is a asking us to build an ark in our hearts, not a physical one as He instructed Noah. The flood of Glory is coming, not to destroy but to rebuild our lives. Get ready and don’t be a doubting Thomas waiting for signs. The signs are already in the spirit. Ask God to make it clearer to you. Please take note that religious and church activities will not qualify anyone even though these are good works. But this is a heart issue not personal motives and accomplishments.

The second plan is the exodus of unbelievers into the Kingdom. Take a good look at what is going on in our world today and you will realise that there is a complete breakdown of structures of governance whether of a democratic or dictatorial form. People are tired of the hypocrisy and lies that abound. From the developed to the developing; from America to Somalia, the consequences are now the same – disorder from man’s insistence on leaving God out of his affairs. Whether it is Occupy Wall Street or Broad Street, it is the same. Humanism has failed us.

And yet in the midst of all this, God hears the cries of people who though ignorant need help. It is a work of mercy or who will qualify? Jesus looked down from the Cross and asked the Father to forgive us for we’re ignorant of the things that make for our wellbeing. That is exactly what is going on here. Like the salvation of Cornelius the centurion, He is about to bring salvation into the land. We must pray for the hearts of these people to be prepared to receive Christ in this coming visitation.

God in mercy prepared an opportunity for Cornelius to receive salvation. He also got Peter ready to bring him to Christ because of his wrong religious mindsets. That is how loving God is for one soul. So we have our work cut out – both for us and the world.

How do we get ready? You must ask God daily for the grace to keep alert to His plans and be thankful for what He is about to do. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you build the ark of righteousness (His altar in your heart). It is a walk of obedience. Be discerning about God’s ways in your life and pray for the Body of Christ to be in a state of preparedness.

The final word is this scripture to encourage and convict.

“But you, brethren are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober “1 Thessalonians 5.4-.NKJV

Just like Noah, Peter and Cornelius, God has a plan for each person. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring you into the daily knowledge of it so that in the end, you will have the joyful outcome that God intended for you in that Awesome Plan.

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