Saturday 23 June 2012


The title of this message was inspired by the controversial Florida Law called ‘Stand Your Ground Law’. It has also been adopted in half of the states in America under different names yet the same form. It simply states that a person may use force in self defence when there is a reasonable belief of a threat without any obligation to retreat. In some cases, a person may use deadly force in public areas without a duty to retreat. The law would be a defence or immunity to criminal and civil suit. In short, a person has no duty to retreat when under an attack BUT RATHER STAND THEIR GROUND AND FIGHT BACK EVEN WITH  DEADLY FORCE.

This law may be a subject of debate with recent misuse of it by racist persons against innocent blacks but it is the right approach to SPIRITUAL WARFARE. How ironic that what does not seem to be working in the world is exactly  we should  use to deal with the wiles of our enemy – satan. The law was made to deal with genuine cases of attack but like everything else, it has become a tool by certain bigoted whites to kill blacks as seen in the Trayvon Martin murder by George Zimmerman using that law.

 Consider these facts – we have an enemy, satan whose clear mission is to “steal, kill and destroy” our lives (John 10.10). He does it with zeal. This is not an enemy to fool around with or underestimate. The Bible says of him “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” 1 Peter 5.6nkjv  We are dealing with a life under threat of death situation all the time just as the Florida law envisaged. But how does the Scripture say we should act? In retreat – fleeing from him? In fear - afraid to do anything and only complain about our helplessness? OR STAND YOUR GROUND AND FIGHT BACK!!! The latter is what God has said to us many times and it begins by saying” Resist him, steadfast in the faith...”1 Peter 5.9nkjv

The beautiful aspect of it all is that we have been given both power and authority to act i.e. stand, attack and WIN. Really, we have the upper hand in any confrontation with the enemy whether direct or through people under his influence but we must maintain the victory position -STANDING. What are those positions?

Well, the scriptures tell us that it is not a fight against the devil for Jesus has dealt with that on the Cross and gave us the victory – Hebrews 2. 14 - 15(The reason why you must have a victory mindset) but a fight to unleash and enforce that victory over satan. It is therefore aptly called “Fight the good FIGHT OF FAITH” 1 Timothy 6.12(emphasis mine). It is a fight in which you exercise your authority by THE WORD in any situation to experience the victory already prepared for you.

So here are some of such positions that you should STAND ON IN VICTORY- IN CHRIST
·        Faith – “ Watch, STAND FAST in the faith, be brave, be strong”   1 Corinthians 16.13 nkjv(emphasis mine)
·        “... for by faith you STAND.  2 Corinthians 1.24nkjv(emphasis mine)

·        Freedom from ‘ the spirit of religion - self righteousness’ -  “ In (this) freedom, Christ has made us free(and completely liberated us); STAND FAST then and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery(which you have once put off)” Galatians 5.1 Amplified Bible(emphasis mine)

·        Trust in Christ ONLY -  “Therefore, my beloved and longed for brethren, my joy and crown, so STAND FAST IN THE LORD, beloved” Philippians 4.1nkjv

·        Deadly force - “Put on all God’s armour so that you will be able to STAND SAFE against all strategies and tricks of satan” Ephesians 6.11. Living Bible(emphasis mine)

·        Victory Position – “ So use every piece of God’s armour to resist the enemy whenever he attacks and when it is all over, you will still be STANDING UP” Ephesians 6.13. Living Bible( emphasis mine)

Unlike the Florida State Law that maybe be subject to repeal, misuse or misunderstood, God’s promises are INCONTROVERTIBLE, UNSHAKEABLE AND ETERNAL. They are your only form of action when confronted with life’s challenges. They are neither subject to human interpretation nor action and they only give VICTORY. In the end, you must decide whether to STAND YOUR GROUND IN VICTORY or to retreat in fear and failure. The decision is only yours to make..............Court ARISE; Case adjourned.

Monday 11 June 2012


I was inspired to write this message by a very important incident that happened to me last week. I have a daily simple fitness workout (recommend it for your physical wellbeing) and my commitment rate is 80 -90%. Sometimes, I am not in the mood to work out and in those moments, I call for help from Heaven and I bounce back to action (It works always). 

However, last week Friday was different. I woke up ready to begin my exercise regimen when my body just didn’t feel right. I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong but it just wasn’t right. So I thought, it was playing out in weakness and once again I offered a silent prayer to God... to stir this lazy body to work.

But I was shocked to hear that I shouldn’t do any workout. It was so clear that I realised it was a command and not an option. So I obeyed and rested for that day and next. My body was restored and by Monday I was back to my routine. I took time to ponder on what happened and realised that God just saved me from whatever danger signals my body was sending that all was not well. 

Thankfully, I responded and lived. But imagine the scenario if I didn’t and decided to push my way through? I could have slumped, been hospitalised or even died. A friend’s relative slumped and died at 26years but she had earlier informed her friends that she felt some unease in her heart AND DID NOTHING. I was once saved from death from a counsel that God gave me to have surgery in a specific hospital which I obeyed.

Incidents like these occur daily in our lives – warning signs that prompt us to stop and listen to what God is saying but the key question is are we listening. Consider the traffic light and the three signs of which the amber is the most important to get you ready for the go or stop sign. Many have disobeyed the amber sign to their peril and endangered the lives of others.

God gives us AMBER SIGNS all the time but how many of us take time to hear Him. Here are some of those scenarios of life. You are faced with a business deal that is a ‘great opportunity’ yet you can’t shake off some strange feeling; You like a man/woman that seems to fit heavenly description but your heart isn’t comfortable with this person; There is a job that has attractive benefits’ the to die for’ type yet you have some doubts and the list is endless. How do we respond?

Most times, we are carried away by our senses; we push it away and think it is just a feeling and will pass or seek the advice of others who unintentionally push us in the wrong direction. Other times, we deny such cries of our heart and push our agenda through only to suffer consequences from losses to physical death. I am sure we have all experienced this in one form or other in our lives. But we don’t have to undergo such needless suffering. The scripture only wants us to experience the sufferings of Christ not disobedience.

What does God say of such behaviour?
“Oh how blind and deaf you are towards God! Why won’t you listen? Who in the world is as blind as my own people who are designed to be my messengers of truth? Who is so blind as my “dedicated one” the servant of the Lord? You see and understand what is right but won’t heed nor do it; you hear but you won’t listen” Isaiah 42. 18-20. Living Bible

This is a correct description of a lot of us for we are so busy and focused on getting our plans in place, we don’t pause to hear what God is saying about our lives and then we come crashing, fall and fail and guess what? WE RUN FROM PILLAR TO POST TO HEAR GOD SPEAK. What contradiction? And often too late to stop the consequences and then we suffer and back again to deafness/ blindness...... the unending circle of disobedience. The life of an average Christian but it DOESEN’T HAVE TO BE SO.

I have been there many times taking the unnecessary knocks of life until I quit and decided TO SEEK A BETTER LIFESTYLE. Why do we want our way when God who knows the end from beginning wants to HELP US to have the experience of the ABUNDANT LIFE? WHY was the Holy Spirit given to us? Perhaps we need a constant reminder that it was to GUIDE US INTO ALL TRUTH. Jesus emphasised this:

“But when He, the Spirit of Truth (The Truth giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all truth (the whole full truth). For He will not speak His own message (on His own authority); but He will tell whatever He hears (from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him) and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come (that will happen in the future) John 16.13. Amplified

What does this imply? That regardless of our intellectual abilities, the truth is not always so OBVIOUS. The TRUTH cannot be gleaned from our own wisdom (as we often think). The TRUTH is God guiding us. If we and the world would understand this even in a small dimension, the ‘merry – go – round’ of global misdirection that we are all bearing the consequences from terrible climate changes, terrorism, wars, famine to inhumanity to mankind would be nonexistent. The TRUTH is neither in the world nor our senses but in CHRIST. Contrary to what we have been taught, our senses were not given to us to act independent of God, our Creator but to reflect His wisdom. That is why the Bible speaks about the “mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2.16, Philippians 2.5)

Our minds are meant to function with the truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit in order to bring about the right results. The world is suffering from a very cancerous disease called DECEPTION. SIN has never seemed as attractive as we have it today in various areas of life yet Christians are falling for it hook, line and sinker. The outcome is a weakened position to exercise spiritual power to deal with life’s challenges.

Who can deliver us from all this? The TRUTH REVEALER – THE HOLY SPIRIT. Again are we listening to Him? There is no aspect of our lives we don’t need HELP. Therefore we must be attentive at all times – keeping our hearts open even in small matters. A lot of times we CANNOT SEE THE WARNING SIGNS because they are not within natural sight and often times when it does, it may be TOO LATE. I was reminded of this when I listened to Gulliana Ransic, the top anchor of E News, and the hit show ‘Gulliana and Bill’ speak of how she discovered she had breast cancer. It was undetected until an off chance decision by her fertility doctor to conduct one. She almost didn’t accept but went with the decision when the doctor made it a condition. That led to its discovery and surgery to save her life by removing her two breasts. A refusal would have led to her death if detected too late. I know because I lost a beloved cousin to cancer two years ago.

When you make a commitment to hear from God, it is not just a decision but a LIFE SAVING ONE TOO. For in the end, that warning sign may be the last sign before danger strikes. As I look back on that Friday when I didn’t insist on my way but LISTENED, It could have been otherwise and led to consequences that may be life threatening or fatal. I know this because it happened to a close relative. He was a workaholic even in retirement and sometimes does not know when to quit and rest. On this unfortunate day, he had come from rigorous pension screening exercise and he didn’t feel well. The right thing was to rest but he barely finished his meal and insisted on working with the generator repairman to fix the generator for over six hours. He went to bed and had a heart attack a few hours later. If ONLY HE LISTENED.

We think God’s counsel will come in dramatic ways like the parting of the Red Sea. Don’t be deceived. God speaks in a multitude of ways but mostly from within you to nudge you to action. He will DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO GET YOUR ATTENTION if only you are LISTENING. Elijah thought so too when God wanted to speak to him but he found that God was not in the obvious – strong wind, earthquake and fire

“But the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire, a small still voice. So it was when Elijah heard it....” 1 Kings 19.12-13 NKJV

Many of the problems we encounter, challenges we face, frustrations we feel and sufferings we undergo come as a result of our not LISTENING TO GOD CALLING TO US.  That is why He said who is as blind and deaf as His children (Isaiah 42.18).We can begin a fresh start TODAY by repenting of our arrogance and receive His mercy and grace to respond when He calls. The solution is before us but can only be discerned by spiritual guidance.

I understood more of this truth as I trimmed the hedge in my house. I usually use a chair to raise me up for a better cut but this is a tough challenge because the chair is not suitable. But I bore it for three years. Just recently, I stepped out in wisdom and made a CHANGE to use A DIFFERENT CHAIR and it was a beautiful partnership (I and the chair) which made my work so much easier. The LESSON? I didn’t have to experience that discomfort because the new chair was also there when I made the choice of the first one and continued to endure until I had enough. I DIDN’T HAVE TO WAIT THREE YEARS TO EXPERIENCE THIS GOODNESS.

You can begin today to make changes in your relationship with God. Ask Him for help to listen and then when He speaks, OBEY. The more you allow God into your affairs, the better your decisions and more experience of the abundant life that Jesus spoke about (John 10.10). It can’t get any better than SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE. What is God calling you to do today? LISTEN UP AND LIVE.