Wednesday, 21 December 2011


REST! It is such a peaceful state of mind that everyone really desires about life. Whether it is the spiritual or its physical form, it is necessary for a high quality of human life. But it seems more emphasis and effort is placed on having physical rest to the detriment of our soul.

What really is spiritual rest and how do we engage ourselves in it? Hebrews 4.3,10 explains what it is.

“For only we who believe God can enter into his place of rest. “
“Christ has already entered there. He is resting from his work, just as God did after creation” Living Bible.

The REST OF GOD is a promise to take care of us in all circumstances and it is an experience that is beyond our ability. However, we can only receive it by a complete surrender and trust in God; confident about His Word so that we will walk in His guidance in a practical form. This is the real challenge before Christians in our faith walk – the LETTING GO. Often trying to second guess God and analyse His Word with our minds is really what we do. Unfortunately that is not FAITH and neither will it produce GOD’S REST.

Jesus Christ set us an example of living in the rest of God with His lifestyle while on earth. One of such incidents was the feeding of over five thousand people. His disciples were perplexed at what to do and offered various statements of unbelief but not Jesus. It was written of His state of mind

“He was testing Phillip for he already knew what to do” John 6.6. Living Bible

Knowing what to do – that is the Godly state of rest; the mind of the spirit. It is the position of faith and authority over any matter. It means understanding that God’s provision is in place and then discerning what to do from that perspective. If Jesus didn’t take that stance in the spirit, He will not have recognised the boy’s gift as the right step to take.

His disciples not having that spiritual knowledge saw the task and gift as act of impossibility. Jesus went on to receive five loaves and two fishes and feed a multitude with twelve baskets extra. Therein lies the issue – trying to process faith, a spiritual experience with our mind – a natural form. How can we comprehend such an IMPOSSIBLE TASK? For the natural mind cannot understand spiritual things.

We cannot say we have faith yet we give consideration to how possible it is. Jesus didn’t evaluate. HE FIRST BELIEVED and then accepted God’s provision for the people. He knew (state of mind) how to feed the people because God knew. Thus he was able to discern the HOW (the strategies of feeding them by the act of accepting the boy’s offer) even when it didn’t and couldn’t make any logical sense. By that action, a miracle of great proportion took place.

Daniel had a deadly challenge and ‘He also knew what to do’ He gave the king assurance of an answer and went to God to receive the guidance needed. Daniel was not calling a bluff when he spoke to the king. He was certain of his word. The result was a king bowing to His God because of  Daniel's confidence. No wonder it is written” But the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits” Daniel 11.32 NKJV

The knowledge of God is a spiritual experience not a mental assent. It comes from a place of immovable confidence in God’s promise and ability that enables us to live a lifestyle of faith and influence. Stop trying to figure out faith with the natural mind. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Rather live in the rest that God provides in and by His Word – CHRIST.

For without first maintaining that standpoint of REST, we will not experience the magnitude of the blessings reserved for us in the inheritance. At best, we will only live with the crumbs not the whole bread and that is contrary to what Jesus Christ gave His life for.

“Let us do our best to go into that place of rest too being careful not to disobey God as the children of Israel did, this failure to get in. For whatever God says to us is full of living power...” Hebrews 4.11-12. Living Bible

Cease from the works of the senses. But enter into the labour of the spirit that produces astounding RESULTS.

Sunday, 4 December 2011


NAMES!  They play an important role in our identity and mean a lot especially to those of African descent. That is the reason people often repeat their names in generations such as George Bush.jnr. Also people who have a successful life or family background take pride in their names while those that bear only a similarity to those famous names are not in a hurry to explain their non relations with them.

Strangely, this is often not the case with Christians. We have the BEST NAME on this earth yet we do not make our boast with it as we should. The name JESUS CHRIST is a name that is above all names and one that we must take pride in to make known ANYWHERE but it is a disturbing trend that we only use it within the confines of prayer and Christian circles. While people flaunt their natural names all over the place, we seem to be on the quiet side about this.

Perhaps, a part of the problem lies in the religious teaching of emphasising the name GOD. But we will soon see that that is not scriptural. We are Christians and CHRIST is the name that represents GOD on this earth. So why are we not forthcoming in calling HIS NAME as a lifestyle and not only prayer style?

Recently, at a Christian conference I attended, someone asked the question why we keep calling Jesus Christ more than God? The hall was in silence and then laughter. I guess it was clear to most attendees that this was the mother of ignorance for a Christian questioning his identity. But later, as I thought on the matter, I realised a lot of Christians suffer from the same ignorance (though not in the same degree as his).

Most Christians relate with the name GOD rather than Christ. But is this right? Is it what GOD expects of us, after all we cannot claim to be more protective of GOD than CHRIST? Here is what Jesus told Phillip when he sought to separate GOD (The Father) from Jesus. I presume he thought he was too ‘spiri’ (slang for spiritual) and wise. Think deeply on what Jesus told him.

“Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known Me Phillip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father. So how can you say ‘Show us the Father’? John 14.9NKJV(emphasis mine)

Earlier in their conversation, Jesus said to him
“If you have known Me, you should have known My Father too and from now on you know Him and have seen Him” John 14.7NKJV (emphasis mine)

What was the import of Jesus’ words? He was stating clearly to Phillip (and everyone else) that He represents the GODHEAD on earth and therefore it is irrelevant to want to know GOD when He, CHRIST was before them. In Heaven, there is the Awesome and Almighty GODHEAD made of the TRINITY as in GOD the FATHER, THE WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT (1 John 5.7KJV). But on earth, it is the name and person of JESUS CHRIST that is GOD for us. There is no contention in Heaven because it is a divine protocol.
Again to further confirm this order of protocol.

“Who is a liar but he who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also” 1 John 2.22-23NKJV (emphasis mine)

Therefore the summation of these scriptures is that we already have GOD with us in the person of JESUS CHRIST and we must acknowledge this truth EVERYWHERE and not occasionally or restrictively but as a LIFESTYLE. This is our trademark that distinguishes us from all other beliefs. Have you ever wondered why companies with famous brand names are fiercely protective of it and will defend it anywhere with all their resources? Because you are your brand. We know Nike, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Microsoft, and Apple etc because of their BRAND NAME. If your brand is strong or weak, you will be affected by it.

Therefore when we uphold the name of JESUS CHRIST EVERYWHERE AND IN ALL THINGS, we acknowledge GOD. It is also the weapon by which we fight the spirit of the anti christ that is now in the world and contending with all that is of CHRIST. The devil loves it when we keep the NAME of CHRIST out of our conversations and routine. It blurs the difference between us and the world. Don’t forget the world also uses the name God. So how can you tell? Picture this scenario. You, a Christian are in the midst of people of various faiths such as Islam, Buddha, Scientology, Mormon, Hindu, African Traditional Religion, and Illuminate and are discussing your spiritual experiences with every one using the name, God. If someone listened to all of you would he tell there is a difference? I don’t think so for he will think you have a common faith but only through different ways. Is that true? Of course not. But therein is the confusion when we are not using the name JESUS CHRIST as we should.

Now imagine the same scenario and you kept on calling JESUS CHRIST while they are calling God. Anyone listening in will know you are distinct and there is a crystal clear difference. You stand out and he will be curious to find out why you are not in agreement with their concept of god. I have met such people during evangelism outings. They claim” we are serving the same god only in different ways” I politely tell them no because CHRIST IS GOD.

That usually causes some reaction because I have now taken a stand that is in conflict with their faith because they don’t accept CHRIST as GOD.  If I am given the opportunity to explain, I do so otherwise I move on to the next person. There is no debate about the TRUTH (2 Timothy 2.23 -26). I learnt that after long periods of exhaustion and contention with people who were operating with the spirit of the anti- christ. That is how Jesus taught it and how we must uphold HIM. That is how we remain DISTINCTIVE, DIFFERENT AND SEPERATE.

He also said about our uniqueness
“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” John 15.19NKJV(emphasis mine)

We are the LIGHT and are the chosen ones to bring light to those in darkness. Why should we hide our LIGHT (CHRIST) under the basket when He should be set on a lampstead to give light to the world? Mathew 5.15. (My paraphrase). It is not a contest, debate or contention and in everything, we must follow peace with all manner of men. There are those that have a genuine need to learn, teach them. For those still blinded, heed the counsel in 2 Timothy 2.23-26 and avoid strife. But in all of this, NEVER SHIFT YOUR POSITION OF TRUTH AND LIGHT. DON’T ALLOW ANYONE TO INTIMIDATE YOU INTO A GENERAL CONCEPT OF GOD.

The spirit of the antichrist is the main weapon that satan is using to undermine the incarnation of Christ, the work of the Cross and the plan of salvation while ensuring that those who are in darkness remain in that state.
“And every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world” 1 John 4.3NKJV(emphasis mine)

As always, he does it in a very subtle and attractive ways so that even the undiscerning Christian is often taken in by such deception. Many do not really understand how the spirit of the antichrist works even though they have some knowledge of it as information. This teaching will enlighten you about the things we should be aware of so as not to be mislead.

When satan rebelled against God with some angels, he lost out and was confined to hell. Oh! He was MAD because it was a huge failure of his plans. he didn’t like it one bit. But knowing that God had created man in His image and likeness, his new objective was to undermine God in the heart of man and he succeeded with the temptation of Eve.

But as always, God being sovereign had a better plan and had before creation ordained that Jesus Christ will be the Saviour of mankind. So once again, for a second time, the devil’s plans failed woefully. But being of a cunning spirit, he sought another agenda and which I have captured in my own words

“It is obvious God is beyond me as I can never know what He has planned but since I can’t fight my Creator, I must work on a much easier plan on the created. After all, I did succeed with tempting Eve and look at the havoc I caused – sin came into this beautiful creation. So I am going to undermine Jesus Christ, the only last option left for man to be rescued from my clutches. I will use all manner of deceptive schemes and even tempt these Christians. I am the master of grand deception”

That agenda is the influences of the devil that are playing out today across board in all facets of life – seeking to denigrate the name of Jesus Christ in every aspect of life. That is why we must contend for that name. The spirit of the antichrist is not just in spiritual forms but in everything. Remember that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life. Therefore, anything that does not conform to Him is of the antichrist. Take a look at our society today, laws are being made that offend creation; entertainment is upholding the sin of lust, sex and abnormalities of all types; religions are worshipping the created instead of the Creator; justice is being peddled to the highest bidder and the rights of people are trampled each day.

Every facet of life from governance, business, marriage to the church is under attack from the spirit of the antichrist. In essence, everything is being done to undermine the person of Jesus Christ more than anyone or anything on this earth. This can be seen from rude jokes, TV shows, books, music (lyrics), films, artworks, laws and just about anything they can think up with a mind that is blinded to the truth.

To give you an indication of this was the incident of a political issue when President Barack Obama chose Pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation prayer at his inauguration. There was so much uproar and debate against his choice because they knew that Pastor Rick will uphold the Name of Jesus Christ in prayer. They wanted him to make a compromise and pray in a general form but he said no and stood his ground that he will not quit on his faith. That was exactly what took place on that day as he prayed upholding the Name of Jesus Christ.

So what is our role in dealing with this antichrist spirit? We are called to advocate, defend and create awareness about the name of Jesus Christ boldly at all times and everywhere and not just in the confines of our homes and Christian circles. We have the best Name to be proud of any day both here and eternally. Many of us seem to shy away from calling Jesus Christ in non spiritual conversations.

I was corrected by the Holy Spirit who enlightened me that when we call God instead of Jesus Christ in a world where everyone is using that same term and also believe that we are all of a common faith, we erase our uniqueness. Of course we know that  we are not the same but the goal is to get the world to come to the LIGHT (CHRIST). How can they make that transition if they erroneously believe that we share a universal faith in God?

It is disheartening to note that Christians use the name of Jesus Christ less than other names. It is so easy to call the names of Microsoft, Apple, Face book and even names of people they admire in their conversations than Christ. Again, nothing wrong with that but we should do even better with the One who is the guarantor of our salvation.

What defines us is JESUS CHRIST. Without Him, we are just like the rest of the world. Bill Gates defines Microsoft as Steve Jobs does with Apple. When we call these two men, what comes to mind are their companies. It is therefore strange if we are not defined by our relationship with CHRIST and others feel we are of the same spiritual lineage. Upholding Christ is not just in name but also by our deeds but the latter is not the subject of this teaching.
How can we do this? Simply relate our spiritual experiences to the name of Jesus Christ and not just in a general form of God in our conversations most especially in non Christian circles. Remember the goal is let those who are on the outside recognise who is behind those amazing encounters except we believe that they are not attributable to HIM. We must be specific with His name. Too much of generalisation is conformity to the world.

Frankly, God is not happy with us. I do not know if it is the fear of being labelled a fanatic that is the issue. Well, I am very proud to be called one because I am a good fanatic of THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND LIFE. Nothing can ever beat that. It is worrisome to hear testimonies of how Christ gave people, a word that promoted them in different aspects of their life in Church but listen to the same people amongst his non Christian friends and not a mention of Christ. Rather, they will claim it was a brilliant thought they had. Do we tell them of the multitude of times the name of Christ saved us?

Where is the opportunity for these people to know the LIGHT as we have? Evangelism is not only in throwing the fear of heaven and hell at people and sermonising on their sinful ways. That may work with some but not everyone. People are hurting and need help and to know that the name of JESUS CHRIST can help them from our testimonies is also evangelism too. In fact for them, that is the key to bring them in. We are of faith but they are of fact.

We need to repent of such an attitude. I have repented of mine and with the help of grace, I am improving on this. We should never be ashamed to call the name of Jesus Christ at all occasions and most especially in secular environments. Here is well known testimony about the Name

Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the earth and that every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” Philippians 2.9-11NKJV (emphasis mine)

Calling the name of Jesus is not just a matter of semantics. It is a spiritual issue for that is the ONLY NAME that by which the devil was defeated. The name that causes him to tremble and bow in fear. That is why he instigates the lack of its use in an aggressive form. He is always in constant fear of hearing the mention of the Name for it is all powerful and reinforces our faith in CHRIST and keeps us protected.

The spirit of the antichrist is against the anointing of God upon the life of a Christian. Remember, it is by this Anointing that all forms of bondage are broken for us and others. This keeps us in the liberty of Christ to continue to function victoriously in our lives. Therefore, we must be in the spirit of the Anointing on our lips, in our thoughts and by our acts. That is how we continually uphold the name of Jesus Christ and defeat the operations of the antichrist in our environment and lives.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


The events of present times call for great vigilance in the natural and more importantly, the spiritual. The scriptures tells us that

 "Accordingly then, let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us keep wide awake (alert, watchful, cautious and on our guard) and let us be sober(calm, collected) and circumspect” 1 Thessalonians 5.6NKJV.(emphasis mine)

As I thought on this, it reminded me of a story in the book; Gulliver’s Travels where an English surgeon, Lemuel Gulliver had a business failure and took to the seas to get away and in the process experienced a shipwreck. He survived the incident and awoke from his unconsciousness to find himself in the land of very tiny people called the Lilliputians who had bound him with tiny threads and defended themselves against their prisoner with arrows that were like pin pricks on his body.

How did Gulliver’s, a thousand times their size get himself in that situation? Because of his weakened position. Even though he was bigger, these minute Lilliputians seem to have the upper hand to overrun him in his vulnerable condition.

This is what we suffer when we are not vigilant about the happenings in our lives and even those that are external but which effect will affect our lives or our loved ones. Wrong influences can easily slip into our lives if our heart is not established in the Word and watchful. This will lead to being bound in both spiritual and physical oppression that leads to frustration, pain and a limiting quality of life.

The scriptures speaks “be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom to devour: whom resist steadfast in faith...”1 Peter5.8-9KJV(emphasis mine)

How then do we ensure that we are not caught in the bond of the enemy of our soul because his schemes will always be present with us? It is by being VIGILANT AND SOBER. In other words, ensure that we are in the right frame of mind (the mind of Christ: see a teaching on this at about anything because a little opening will catch us in his net.

We can’t do this without a daily constant communication with the Holy Spirit to keep us alert in the spirit. It is too late to catch sometime that has entered your natural space. You will suffer the consequences. The Holy Spirit helps to shed light on those areas of our life that we need to make adjustments, some of them are sinful habits we need to get rid off as they weaken us spiritually eroding our power to deal with the adversary and te challenges of life.

Some of these traits may be deemed fashionable in the worldview but not in God’s eyes. They keep us from hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit – distracting loud sounds in our thoughts. Remember, we overcame by the Blood of Jesus Christ and not by any other way. The only way we can enter into this experience is through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There are no shortcuts or automatic admission. No spiritual guidance – no victory!!!. Don’t have the Gulliver’s experience that was at the mercy of miniature captors because of his exposed condition. BREAK FREE AND LIVE

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


“Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me....This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me” 1 Corinthians 11.24-25NKJV

Our victory in life is secured by the Blood of Jesus. Whatever accomplishments we have in our faith is because HIS BODY was broken up for our salvation. That we have in Christ a hope that is eternal and yet tangible in glorious experiences is possible because of the Blood of Christ. How often do we participate in this spiritual renewal of our essential fellowship with Christ?

Private communion is one of the ways we strengthen our. I know communion is taken in our various churches at different times. But that is not enough. We should not be Christians who live by public fellowship only. That is a sign of spiritual malnourishment. Change most often comes in times of personal communication with God when we are stripped bare of any external considerations we may have.

I encourage you to begin your personal communion with Christ. When I discovered this wonderful exercise, it was a very good experience to build a closer relationship with Christ. When at communion, you take time to reflect on the implications of the death and resurrection of Christ and you will get a deeper perspective on your life and whatever issues you are dealing with.

Communion can be taken at your own discretion because it is not to be seen as a religious ritual. I take it at various times. These includes in a fast, in certain health challenges or just to reconnect with more strength for my faith journey. Other times, you may sense the instinctive need to take communion over an issue. 

No set rules other than to have an appreciation of the work of Calvary and its benefit. It is also essential for spiritual growth, stability and maturity. Perhaps if more Christians have such times of connecting with God, there will be more maturity and fewer tendencies to be carried away by wrong doctrines and influences. Think on this.

The communion bread is widely available at most Christian bookshops and very reasonably priced for they come in small packs. You may use biscuit or small piece of bread. You can use non alcoholic beverage for the wine. What is crucial is the state of your heart as you come to communion.

It is important to recognise that we are partaking of THE BODY AND BLOOD OF JESUS AND NOT BREAD AND WINE. It may seem simple but they are those who think it is a bread and wine substitute. No! It is Christ’s body and blood that must be in our consciousness. No substitutes. This is a VERY SERIOUS SPIRITUAL ACT AND NOT PLAY ACTING

While at communion, ask God to keep you in His mercy and strength as He provided CHRIST at the Cross. As you regularly take communion, your relationship with Christ will become more personal, passionate and solid. This is a wonderful ceremony of life. Experience Jesus

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


The concept of growth is one that is a law of life. In both spiritual and secular worlds, advancement is sought after. But it is the process that distinguishes the spiritual from the worldview. Many scriptures speak of this very crucial and life changing principle in many ways. It also explains how growth works in order to produce the divine objective. In 1 Peter 2.2-3, we are advised to grow from babes to mature Christians

 “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious” NKJV

We are also taught what type of enlargement we should seek.

“But grow in grace (undeserved favour, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (The Messiah)...” 2 Peter 3.18. Amplified Bible

Furthermore, we are shown the pattern of expansion is of a progressive kind. We go from one level to another being faithful and diligent on each position. The parable of the sower was used by Jesus to illustrate this truth of the Kingdom which is also applicable in all facets of life.

“And he said, with what can we compare the kingdom of God or what parable shall we use to illustrate and explain it? It is like a grain of mustard seed which when sown upon the ground is the smallest of all seeds upon the earth. Yet after it is sown, it grows up and becomes the greatest of all garden herbs and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air are able to make nests and dwell in its shade” Mark 4.30-32. Amplified Bible.

This parable teaches that the Kingdom experience is a practice that begins from a small step to the bigger advancements that creates more impact. We must understand that the seed though small has the capacity to become a huge tree providing a benefit to other species of life – man, plants, birds and insects. The law of the Kingdom is about the transformation of a person from within to the outward in an unfolding manner – a steady development.

The heart is the centre of this improvement in a person. Its importance is emphasised.
“Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it springs the issues of life” Proverbs 4.23 NKJV

The heart is the “true source of sin or righteousness. When the heart is corrupt, the life and conduct will be corrupt. When the heart is clean, the life will be clean and the fruit good” Dakes Annotated Reference Bible, Page 42(New Testament)

Therefore God’s enlargement is a spiritual makeover. This comes from a daily intake of the WORD in knowledge and experience.
“And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” Romans 12.2 NKJV( emphasis mine)

By allowing a fresh experience of the Word from the Holy Spirit in all areas of your life, the inner man gets enriched producing on the outside outstanding results. The spiritual is working in a man to affect the natural.

On the flip side is the outlook of the world that seeks growth from the outside – external trappings of success, fame, notoriety and every ego lifestyle. Its motto is the Machiavellian code of the end justifies the means and therefore seeks to nourish and placate the ‘self’ rather than the spirit. It leads to a belief system that has no place for any true spiritual reformation.

It is a materialistic mindset that does not include any character development. It feeds all manner of selfish lifestyles even as it affects the undiscerning mind with its deceptive form that produces unpleasant consequences. The present economic woes that are threatening world peace and humanity as a whole came out of this system of ‘outwardly yet downwardly mobile’

“Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God, for all these worldly things, these evil desires – the craze for sex, the ambition to buy everything that appeals to you and the pride that comes from wealth and importance – these are not from God..” 1 John 2.15-16. Living Bible. (emphasis mine)

When anyone seeks to develop from the outward, he is laying the ground work for a slow destruction of his heart (soul, mind) where the decisions of life play out. This is what the scripture warns against. The world view is not always as obvious as many think or they will not fall for it. Often times, its subtlety lies in being attractive in a deceptive manner.

One of such beliefs is to associate the spiritual life in Christ as unfashionable, dull, unattractive and unappealing and equate the secular living with fun, success, trendy, sexy and of course fashionable.  So what do carnal Christians do? They seek after that life as that which is exciting and then wonder why they are not taken seriously about their faith by their unbelieving friends. Of course, there is no difference in lifestyle.

Consider the way the world markets success – devoid of spiritual foundations but seeking carnal desires of every dimension. But the scriptures disprove this false impression of the righteous lifestyle.

In Psalm 112, it states the experiences of a man that honours and walks with God.
“Blessed is the man who fears the LORD. Who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth. The generations of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in his house and his righteousness endures forever”1-3NKJV

The deception of  lack with spiritual righteousness has been perpetuated by the devil to deceive Christians to live by the world’s code and to keep unbelievers in bondage. The state of shalom in Hebrew which is peace; a blessed state includes all manner of prosperity from the spiritual, physical to the material giving both inner and outward state of rest. That is the true growth – The Christian experience. We are challenged not to waver from God’s way by these words

“Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way. Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass” Psalm 37.7NKJV

God does not want us to be carried away by seeking external success that we endanger our souls. When we put Him first, we will walk in the peace that He gives and which has taken care of our wellbeing. If you had the world’s mindset about life (even in a small measure) perhaps you should learn from what the scriptures say in order to be ‘the man or woman after God’s heart’

“Truly God is good to Israel to such as are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the boastful. When I saw the prosperity of the wicked... Until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their end” Psalm 73.1-3,17NKJV